Nowadays, everyone uses social media to promote their business and to reach out to more people. Still, only few of the social media magicians know and use something that’s happening lately. In this article, you will learn about how explainer video and animation how can help you to get noticed more.
Static Images Evolve Into Motion Graphics
Let us get straight to the point: Explainer video and animation are becoming very popular since static images are no longer enough to catch the attention of the busy users. Furthermore – videos can deliver large amounts of information for a very short time, in an engaging way. If not convinced yet – just a fun psychological fact – human eyes and brain are naturally drawn to motion; movement is in sharp contrast to still objects. In ancient times, noticing something moving in the bushes could save your life. Now videos can save your social media and marketing efforts. Ha!
Here is a comparison between using images and videos, the following marketing specialist makes a good summary:
Good News – GraphicMama’s New Service
You are not alone in this battle for survival in the business jungle. Maybe you know GraphicMama studio best for its diverse packages of characters with actionable poses called Vector Cartoon Characters? And maybe you know they are wonderful illustrations for many purposes, but also – they are static.
Well, since last year and the growing popularity of Adobe Character Animator software, GraphicMama started developing animated versions of your favorite cartoon characters – we call these animated characters – Character Animator puppets. That allowed clients to get (upon request) any character design, with pre-made animated actions, such as waving, lipsync, giving thumbs up and showing emotions (happy, angry, sad). The only thing the customers need is a webcam and microphone to capture facial movement and speech and translate it to the character. If you want to learn how to use the software, take a look at these 10 Tutorials to Learn Adobe Character Animator (and master it).
We, at GraphicMama studio, got so many requests for delivering a finished video/animation of a character/s, so we decided (The Good News!!!) to offer a new service: full execution of an explainer video and an animation project. Because GraphicMama studio has a video-editing guru on board, great marketing specialists, graphic designers, and skillful animators, we thought we could save a lot of headache and time to customers who don’t have the resource on their team. Or, even, their teams are busy with other company’s projects!
First, we’d like to show you some of the awesome animation/explainer video projects clients made themselves with GraphicMama’s Character Animator puppets:
Explainer Video and Animation Examples from Our Clients
The following examples show the diverse needs the clients had: chest-length shot, full body movement and different style of character design
- Featuring: Grumpy Granny
You can read more about the project in our blog post.
The next Character Animator puppet was done for a business leader offering leadership and management advice, who wanted to create his own educational videos:
- Featuring: Approachable Businessman in Flat Design Style
For another project, the client wanted to make explainer videos for her school projects, with an avatar, based on her photo. Here is the result:
- Featuring: Puppet avatar for school projects/presentations
Our clients did great, didn’t they? They were quick learners, as none of them have used the Adobe Character Animator software before… That’s all great, but we hear you: “What’s in it for me?” Well…
What Can I Use the Puppets For?
Basically… any project! Feeling inspired and wondering how you can use puppets, explainer video, and animation in your own projects? We’d like to give you some ideas, based on our most sold puppets / custom orders.
Customers often purchase their own custom character design and puppets to create:
- family puppets and videos – we often get requests for designing members of a family – teens, funny dads and babies, adorable pets (to teach your kids with fun lessons, created by you, on topics you choose and narrate!)
- special occasions puppets and videos – we are often asked to create characters for wedding videos – brides, grooms, wedding accessories and pets; clients use these to tell their wonderful love stories on the wedding day
- teaching classes – amongst our clients are a typography teacher, a music teacher who created children songs for her students, yoga instructors, etc.
- branding – especially brands, targeting children and young families – these brands love having their unique, friendly mascot to entertain the customers
- various marketing agencies – explaining a product’s specifics, from restaurants to company internal trainings – our clients love having a memorable video, suitable for their business goal.
Ok, so you already have an idea for an explainer video/animation, but you don’t have the time to do it? We can help:
Explainer Video and Animation We Can Do for You
We can basically create anything you want – just ask us! Here are fa ew examples of our work:
- Hand-drawn Animation
The first example is of an intro video for a YouTube channel; GraphicMama studio created everything from scratch to final product, according to the requirements and the general idea of the YouTuber, GoodLifeFox:
The next example is a short video we did to promote our characters and show how they can be used:
- Promotional video
Although the example uses static images/illustrations and not puppets, as some of the above examples, here we show how we create a full promotional/ad video – with text, backgrounds, transitions and effects.
These are just a few examples we can show, but we’re sure you have amazing ideas to blend with our creativity!
You can ask us any question about the explainer video and animation.
Hope this is great news for you. Let us know what you think in the comment section below. Your opinion is important to us!
Til soon, the GraphicMama team
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